Monday went by uneventfully. Tuesday crawled past with equal blandness. I was resigned to the likelihood that walla may have received a garbled message from Sakmongkol that we could all meet for a cuppa and a solid round of camarederie.
I had chosen today for errands. The mundane everyday stuff of living. Then I get a call from brother walla that Sak was on for a get-together at 1.30 p.m. So, I did have a chance to meet Dato' Sak after all.
For good measure, I made sure that regular commentator ben was able to join us. After all, it was ben that had drawn my attention to Sak's blog. We're both fans.
I cannot begin to describe how much pleasure I had to have met Sak this afternoon. And, to catch up with the great walla again was more than fine.
What surprised me most is that Sak was exactly as I expected him to be. Contemplative, courteous and well-deported.
I had an urge to tell him that if only the average UMNO pol was even half the measure of him, the party would be chugging along with great aplomb and popularity. But, I didn't.
Instead, I found myself trying to do what I enjoy doing, making remarks that will bring a laugh or two from the great Sak. To my great pleasure, I achieved it once, twice or, maybe more. That made the tete-a-tete even better.
To shake the hand of the person that constructs such complex thought, reasoning and analysis at his blog was a great honour.
The only blemish to an otherwise pleasurable first meeting was that mamasita wasn't available. I hope we can remedy this the next time.
Thanks for your time Dato' Sak, walla and ben. The pleasure was very much mine. When's the next time?
I had chosen today for errands. The mundane everyday stuff of living. Then I get a call from brother walla that Sak was on for a get-together at 1.30 p.m. So, I did have a chance to meet Dato' Sak after all.
For good measure, I made sure that regular commentator ben was able to join us. After all, it was ben that had drawn my attention to Sak's blog. We're both fans.
I cannot begin to describe how much pleasure I had to have met Sak this afternoon. And, to catch up with the great walla again was more than fine.
What surprised me most is that Sak was exactly as I expected him to be. Contemplative, courteous and well-deported.
I had an urge to tell him that if only the average UMNO pol was even half the measure of him, the party would be chugging along with great aplomb and popularity. But, I didn't.
Instead, I found myself trying to do what I enjoy doing, making remarks that will bring a laugh or two from the great Sak. To my great pleasure, I achieved it once, twice or, maybe more. That made the tete-a-tete even better.
To shake the hand of the person that constructs such complex thought, reasoning and analysis at his blog was a great honour.
The only blemish to an otherwise pleasurable first meeting was that mamasita wasn't available. I hope we can remedy this the next time.
Thanks for your time Dato' Sak, walla and ben. The pleasure was very much mine. When's the next time?
10 comments: minimis, ben and walla.
i assure you, the pleasure is also mine. ben has always been an astute observer, well read.
walla- what more can we describe him- the venerable walking encyclopedia, always at hand and always prodding us to better ourselves.
and of course, de minimis struck me as a suave, urbane and sophisticated oriental gentleman with his regal silver crown of hair.
came back to tell mamasita what she has missed. unfortunately, walla's favorite pastime has caught on to her- mopping the floor of our daughter's place.
we will surely call you the next time we are back in KL.
thank you de minimis, ben and walla.
You are too kind and generous in your remarks about me, sir. I am in full agreement with your views of walla and ben.
1st of all, I am amazed at the speed de minimis put this up. It's as if he is blogging whilst driving or probably pullover somewhere spilled it out on a blackberry and the photoshot of the drinks looks as good as someone reviewing some highend kopitiam. :-D
I must thank de minimis and walla for making this cuppa session with Dato Sak possible. When you've good company, time seems to be real short the opposite of "watching a kettle boil".
I must confess that sometimes I can't keep up with the amount of articles being written in sak, de minimis blogs and with walla's sharp analysis which requires a lot of thinking. I have to agree with de minimis that thinking hurts the brain, at least it resonates with me! :-D
Looking forward to the next cuppa session and hopefully, mamasita can make it.
Damn! I was hoping to see fotos! Why so shy, takut ISA ah? ;-)
Hai de minimis,thank you so much for lamenting my absence.I was just helping to spring clean my daughter's apartment a bit!Then I waited for the electrician to come and replace 3 light bulbs.You tahulah.the twisting kind of bulb covers of the round white lights can be so tight.Difficult to untighten them.On top of that,the ceiling is quite high.So I couldn't do it myself!sak pun tak reti hoi!
Lastly,I wasn't prepared to meet you all!Have not done my hair colouring and have yet to shape up like a sexy mamasita!hahaha
But guys, I will be ready the next time!(new year resolution;must look hot at all times!)Wohooo!
Right on, bro.
Bro Antares
Although many in the blogopshere have wonderful 10 megapixel cameras, it would appear that the company of bloggers/commentators that I keep are not so well-equipped.
In any event, we didn't get together based on the expectation of good looks a'la E Channel but because of common interest, that common interest being the enervating topic of economics and development.
I must also add that ISA is not at all a concern to us. It's just that some of us believe that we should stick to our main area of interest i.e. economics and everything related to economics. Where matters such as ISA becomes a factor that drags Malaysia's economic competitiveness and productivity down, then, you can be certain that we will blog on it.
Besides, who would want to see pictures of ageing geezers :D
I understand that hair-colouring and coiffure is important. But your inner-beauty sudah tetap ada. Had we known that you had light-bulb changing challenges we would've volunteered to assist. At my home one of my designation is Chief Tukar Lampu :D
I pun risau if your New Year resolution is carried out too aggressively bila kita jumpa nanti we'll all end up flirting with you instead of engaging sak. If sak becomes muram dan merajuk susah kita nanti :D
Did someone mention mopping?! I have just finished the usual and can now return to blogosphere, the place where i have had enormous good fortune recently in discovering great minds and kindred spirit.
I must say sakmongkol represents one of the most fertile and versatile minds of our country. He shows as much concern for national progress and the pursuit of reasonableness as de minimis whose professionalism and knowledge of economic and legal matters need no introduction. Combined, they make an incredibly intelligent pair of the best that defines what being reasonable, progressive and senior wise men of stature is all about in our nation. And Ben comes across as someone who knows the state of the situation wherever it matters; in fact one of his many sharp insights nonchalantly delivered off-the-cuff had me scrambling to find some old notes when i came back from the meeting. An honour indeed!
When we all reach a certain stage in life, making new friends who scintillate with their observations and comments is indeed a great blessing. I am sure there are many others out there. May they too enjoy the great company i have had the privilege of meeting.
If we all put our thoughts and concerns together, i am certain much more can be done in really meaningful ways to help our country up again. Some will want to shave off the negatives; others will want to add on the positives. Combined, the great dialogues in blogosphere can be turned into transformational processes which our country and economy need for the future of our next generations.
Now i must get back to thinking how to help mamasita with her wonderful project to help the painters of the state.
Oy! I also have metallic grey I qualify for next meet. Call me lah, 016-6319973. Love juices to detox.
Uncle Bernard aka zorro
Wah! You've made my day. We shall endeavour to add you to our quorum the next time sak and mamasita calls us up.
But if you plan to bring your Fart Chamber we will have to bring our oxygen masks and call Puteri Kama to join us since she appears to be quite authoritative on various forms of flatulence in various social (or, unsocial) contexts :D
Wah, this sudut is dripping with great minds! And, echoeing Antares, GMs deserve GPs - great pictures! Not a single shooter among the lot, tpity! (noticed minimis has responded to this point) Like Antares, who has a thing or two to say about anonimity or at least photoless heads, and whose blog like mine is dripping with photos of our heads from every angle including upside down - in my case! - I too have a thing or two against it but this trinity of gms - minimis, sak and ben - such nice pet names, too - has proven that anonimity need not be the case as I and Antares made it out to be which was bad, bad, bad ...
For the theory on how anonimity could be seen as a laudable cause will have to wait for another day ...
Meanwhile all this knight of the round table talk has made me felt like a cad hence all this sidling and edging in sideways for a bit of hempias action ... haha ... the way Uncle Bernard must have felt too judging from his words, sorry Bernard, but aping the great is also a form of compliment, no?
Now back to my drawing board or thesis on how to get rid of this persistent itch of "geli-gelemang" when having to deal with headless silhouettes and photoless heads ... now where's that book on Scarlet Pimpernel ...
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