Monday, October 12, 2009

MCA's future

The phrase "MCA's future" may appear to be an oxymoron, but that would be an unkind view and, more importantly, an erroneous view.

Like most BN components, the MCA has great franchise strength. It has a huge warchest through asset-holdings and astutely managed corporates such as The Star media behemoth. The corporate equivalent to the current MCA travails must surely be the saga of KFC Holdings in recent years. In spite of boardroom struggles, the KFC franchise maintained its retail and financial strengths. from here.

The palpable difference must surely be that while KFC maintained and extended it's market share, the MCA's "market share" is shrinking...politically vis-a-vis the wider Chinese Malaysian polity.

But, all is not lost.

The key question is whether the MCA, as with many BN components, can identify a transformational leader who can parlay MCA's structural and franchise strengths into regaining the support of Chinese Malaysians and, the wider Malaysian electorate.

In an ideal world, this should be the key issue that the MCA Central Committee should deliberate on when they meet this Thursday.

But, I suspect and expect that this issue will be deferred to another day. It is a "macro" issue that is secondary to the "micro" issue of leadership jostling.

Ong Tee Keat must resign
On the matter of leadership jostling, what the Central Committee needs to bear in mind is that in the wake of last Saturday's EGM, Ong Tee Keat must resign as party president. No matter how one attempts to spin the outcome, the fact remains that Ong lost the vote of no confidence. The honourable thing to do, if he is a true party loyalist, is to resign. He blew his chance big time. And, so, he has to go.

When he won the presidency, he should have risen above the fray and urged party unity. But, regrettably, he went on a witch-hunt. The pigeons have come home to roost. And, the pigeons are shitting all over him. I'm sorry but this means his time is well and truly up.

Chua Soi Lek must remain out
As for Chua Soi Lek, Saturday's outcome was even more emphatic. He is not reinstated. He is no longer accepted as a party leader. So, he should remain outside the party leadership. He should be content that his son is rising just as his star is waning (pardon the pun).

Beyond the leadership struggle
So, whether it is Liow's turn, Kong's turn, Yen Yen's turn or, even Fong Chan On's turn, who ever ascends to party leadership needs to be a transformational leader.

Get the party to close ranks and let the healing start as soon as possible.

Then and, only then, can MCA get back on track.

Whoever is in charge, MCA needs to change the "C" from Chinese to "Community". MCA needs to re-position itself as a Malaysian political party that cares for the issues faced by all Malaysian communities. Ironically, by expanding it's franchise, MCA will regain its lost lustre.

Malaysian communities, be they Malay, Chinese, Indian, Ceylonese, Kadazan, Dayak or any suku kaum, are fed-up with the communal paradigm. Every racial and ethnic group have become increasingly aware that they are in the same boat, the Malaysian boat. The sooner the MCA gets that, the faster it can recover from the debacle of the 12th General Election and, the faster it will get into jockeying position for the 13th General Elections.

So, yes. It ain't over. It's a chance for a new beginning.

1 comment:

walla said...

Unless Umno subscribes first to the same paradigm shift on ethnocracy, it would be difficult for MCA and the other component parties of BN to muster enough grassroot support to show the way.

And even if that happens, each will have to make official resolutions to change their respective constitutional mandates and organizational complexions.

Given their intrinsic inertia all these years and looking at the quality of their leadership and delegates, that isn't going to happen any day soon.

It will be business-as-usual. All the more telling as politics in this country is all about business.

Years ago this has been seen. But even today it remains ignored by all.

Which leaves the question: what's the big deal about political parties in Malaysia?

They do not lend one iota of value-added quality to any service which a government of any mien in its right mind will have to deliver as efficiently as possible to the people. Unless one says raking mud and causing trouble count as value-adding activities.

If all the fat is cut out from the political arena of Malaysia, peace will reign and people will be happier. Then more energy and resources can be channeled into doing all the right things that have been left to fallow on count of political expediency.

The schism however remains. And it remains because there are not enough people with brains, guts and integrity to cut the gordian knot and clean up the mess once and for all.

Let the history books of the future show that the future of this country determined today was hinged on a swimming pool, some funds for a school, the tarring of some roads, a few coins here, a few parcels there.

Does the MCA reduxed see itself being credible enough henceforth to provide checks-and-balances against the use of state funds for political leverage towards vote-currying by its component partners? But that is a contradiction in objective in itself, isn't it? So what will its new remits then?

Everything in life ultimately finds its own level. Seems countries too.