Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tweet nonsense

To my great horror it appears that my twitter account has been hijacked. As such, I have decided to delete the twitter display in this blog.

It is a wake up call to realize just how vulnerable we can be in cyberspace.

There is hardly any difference between a cyber hijacking of a twitter account or any email account and being a victim of crime in the real world. The violation of the private space is equally outrageous and unacceptable.


SFGEMS said...

Good call!

Whenever I suspect something amiss, I change my passwords. I don't know if it helps.

I don't know why they say "tweet" when it's a twitter account. Do you know?

Starmandala said...

@STEEST - The twittering birdie logo says it all. There may be a whole bunch of smartphone-wielding twits out there twittering away because they can't tolerate silence - but to call their outpourings "tweets" makes it sound like a treat (especially for those with a pronounced lisp).