There appears to be a form of perverse behaviour that consumes people at the cusp of long holidays.
By "people", I mean those who play the roles of proprietors, employers, clients and customers. The level of unreasonableness that simmers during normal periods reaches hysterical levels as long holidays approach. It is, indeed, a case of rushing to dig a hole only when Nature is urgently calling and organic waste is on the verge of a ripened burst from the designated orifice.

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Why set deadlines based on long holidays? Why not organise based on regular periods so that ebbs and flows are as regular as the tides?
Every season of long holidays causes this absurd behaviour to rear its ugly head.
This particular stretch, when the Lunar New Year is upon us, when the stale Bull is about to give way to the prowling Tiger, the self-same scenario has presented itself.
This time around, I am in a Zen-state of calmness. The deadlines are unable to penetrate the veneer of genteel calm that is my aura. I am ice-cool.

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The reason for this serendipitous demeanour is my observance of Lord Baden-Powell's motto to all Boy Scouts. Be Prepared.

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Nary 2 months ago, I had prepared early drafts of proposals from matters that were in early stages. From experience, it was clear that the Silly Season of long holidays will infect these well-behaved people who use my services. Sure enough, these self-same people have reached the corporate and commercial equivalent of raging AH1N1 fever. And, I am pleased to say that I was completely ready to pull rabbits out of the hat.
But, my state of preparedness is no cause to forgive this irrational behaviour.
My heart goes out to those who do not anticipate Silly Seasons of long holidays. I only gently suggest that the next time around, Be Prepared.